
Dheeraj Kumar


-8 minutes read

Gen Z in Asia: Unveiling APAC's Young Consumer Trends

Explore the unique trends shaping Gen Z in Asia and how they're influencing consumer culture and business strategies across the APAC region.

Gen Z in Asia is redefining cultural and business landscapes, challenging the conventional wisdom about their demographic. Across the Asia-Pacific region, from Australia to Singapore, this generation is driving new trends and commanding the attention of brands. This exploration into the lives and preferences of Gen Z in apac reveals five key insights that underscore their complexity and diversity.

Key Trends Among Gen Z in APAC:

  1. Remaining at home has become the standard.
  2. Gen Z in Asia is eager for opportunities to learn, not lazy.
  3. This generation prefers AI platforms for searches.
  4. APAC's gen z leads in livestream consumption.
  5. Discussing mental health remains a challenge for many in Gen Z.

1. The New Standard: Staying at Home

Most Gen Z individuals in APAC are unmarried students living with their parents, without children. However, a growing number are beginning to start their own families, embark on full-time careers, and get married. Since Q3 2018, there has been a 94% increase in Gen Z working full-time jobs in the region. Despite evolving priorities, the concept of 'adulting' presents challenges, particularly in moving out. A staggering 73% of Gen Z in APAC reside with their parents, a figure that surpasses global averages and the experiences of millennials at the same age. While home ownership remains a goal, the stigma around living at home is diminishing, with many enjoying the financial freedom it offers for travel and luxury purchases. This shift indicates the diverse lifestyles within this generation, necessitating brands to stay attuned to their changing values.

2. A Thirst for Learning

Contrary to the stereotype of job-hopping due to boredom, Gen Z in Asia is actually in pursuit of new learning opportunities. Over a third of Gen Z professionals in the region are considering a job change within six months, driven not by restlessness but by a lack of learning opportunities, collaboration challenges, and insufficient recognition in their current roles. This generation values clear career progression and regular acknowledgment of their contributions. Moreover, their job search often leverages social media, highlighting the need for brands to adapt their recruitment strategies to these platforms and emphasize learning opportunities.

3. Embracing AI for Searches

Gen Z in APAC uniquely prioritizes AI platforms for information searches, ranking them third above other methods like voice or image searches. This affinity for AI, 49% higher than the rest of the region, underscores their desire for personalized experiences from brands. Successful examples, such as Sephora's AI-driven virtual assistant, demonstrate the potential for brands to engage this demographic through innovative AI applications.

4. The Livestreaming Phenomenon

Despite a general decline in livestream viewership post-pandemic, Gen Z in APAC continues to engage heavily with this medium. In fact, more Gen Z individuals in the region watched a livestream in the last week than an online sports match. Livestreams offer a unique opportunity for brands to conduct authentic product reviews and promotions, reaching a valuable segment of the Gen Z market.

5. The Mental Health Conversation

While Gen Z in APAC is more likely to report mental health conditions than other generations, a significant portion does not feel comfortable discussing these issues. Only 29% of Gen Z, even among those with mental health conditions, feel at ease talking about their mental health. This highlights a need for brands and employers to approach mental health messaging and support with authenticity and sensitivity.


Gen Z in Asia is a dynamic and influential demographic, navigating a world of opportunities and challenges with unique preferences and behaviors. Brands that seek to engage this generation must look beyond stereotypes, offering genuine understanding and support. stands at the forefront of this endeavor, providing an AI-powered platform for qualitative and quantitative insights collection. With access to over 100Mn Indian users, enables brands to connect with and understand the diverse needs of Gen Z in Asia, crafting strategies that resonate with this pivotal consumer segment.

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