
Dheeraj Kumar


-8 minutes read

10 Cryptocurrency Trends in APAC to Keep You Ahead of the Curve

Explore the top 10 cryptocurrency trends in the APAC region, from rising ownership to regulatory support and demographic insights. Stay ahead in the dynamic world of digital currency.

Across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, individuals are grappling with the rising cost of living and inflation, all while trying to understand the fast-paced evolution of technology, including the realm of digital currencies and virtual assets.

The cryptocurrency sector, despite facing its share of negative publicity, notably the FTX collapse, continues to captivate the interest of both consumers and brands. This dynamic landscape offers a fertile ground for brands looking to make a significant impact in the world of tech and finance.

Exploring the Top 10 Cryptocurrency Trends in APAC

From increasing ownership rates to diverse demographic engagement and regulatory support, the cryptocurrency landscape in apac is rich with insights. Here's a closer look at the trends shaping this space:

1. Rising cryptocurrency Ownership

Countries like the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia lead in cryptocurrency ownership, with Vietnam, Taiwan, and Hong Kong showing remarkable year-on-year growth. Conversely, Japan, China, and Singapore have seen a decline, attributed to factors like security breaches and regulatory responses.

2. Female Participation Grows

While males dominate cryptocurrency ownership, the female demographic is gradually expanding, signaling a potential area for targeted growth and inclusion efforts by brands.

3. Millennials Dominate the Crypto Space

Millennials represent the largest group of cryptocurrency owners in APAC, indicating a younger demographic's openness to digital currencies.

4. Education Level Diversity Among Owners

Cryptocurrency ownership spans across various educational backgrounds, highlighting its accessibility and appeal to a broad audience.

5. Enthusiasm for Emerging Technologies

Technologies like AI, IoT, and robotics generate significant excitement, though blockchain and NFTs receive a more lukewarm reception, with notable exceptions in Southeast Asia.

6. Southeast Asia's Blockchain Enthusiasm

Countries like the Philippines and Vietnam show a higher interest in blockchain technology, underscoring the importance of regional insights.

7. Cryptocurrency Owners as Risk Takers

Many in the cryptocurrency community identify as adventurous and open to new technologies, offering brands a unique angle for engagement.

8. Support for Government Regulation

A significant portion of consumers in countries like Australia and Singapore favor government regulation of cryptocurrency trading, reflecting a desire for stability and security.

9. Varied Trust in Institutions

Trust in different institutions to regulate cryptocurrency varies, with some consumers skeptical of traditional banks and economic groups.

10. Mixed Sentiments on the Future

Opinions on the future of cryptocurrency are divided, with a notable portion of the population feeling pessimistic, though sentiments vary by country.


Understanding the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency in APAC is crucial for brands aiming to connect authentically with their target audience. insights into consumer attitudes, regulatory perspectives, and technological enthusiasm can guide effective strategies. For those looking to delve deeper into consumer insights, offers an AI-powered platform capable of qualitative and quantitative analysis, boasting access to over 100 million Indian users. This tool can be instrumental in navigating the complexities of the cryptocurrency market and staying ahead of the curve.

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