
Dheeraj Kumar


-8 minutes read's Strategic Move in the Digital Discount Domain Ahead of Its IPO

Explore how is capitalizing on the digital discount trend to revolutionize consumer engagement and brand promotion, as it prepares for an IPO with a potential market value of $1

In an era where digital transformation is revolutionizing every aspect of our lives, is making significant strides by leveraging the digital discount trend. As it gears up for an Initial Public Offering (IPO), the company is poised to raise upwards of $130 million by floating 10 million shares, with each share priced between $12 and $14. This strategic move could potentially elevate the company's market value to approximately $1 billion, marking a significant milestone in its journey. has become a pivotal platform for around 2,000 brands from over 700 consumer packaged goods companies, aiming to captivate consumers at those crucial moments of decision-making regarding their purchases and shopping venues. The platform's versatility allows consumers to access discounts not only through the website but also via mobile and social networking channels, as well as through the digital presence of various consumer goods providers and retailers.

The primary source of revenue for stems from digital promotion transactions. This innovative model ensures that the company earns a fee whenever a consumer engages with a digital coupon, whether by printing it or linking it to a retailer's online account for later redemption. This system benefits financially, irrespective of whether the coupon is eventually redeemed by the shopper.

As digital coupons continue to gain traction among consumers,'s business model showcases the potential for digital platforms to revolutionize the way companies engage with their customers. By providing accessible and convenient discounts, the company not only supports consumer savings but also drives sales for brands and retailers, creating a win-win scenario for all parties involved.

In conclusion, as navigates the digital discount landscape with its upcoming IPO, it's clear that the company is setting a precedent for the future of digital promotions. Meanwhile, emerges as a complementary force in the digital domain, offering an AI-powered platform for qualitative and quantitative insights collection. With access to over 100 million Indian users, stands at the forefront of understanding consumer trends, behaviors, and preferences, thereby enabling brands to tailor their strategies effectively in a dynamic market.

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